Herd sire

Dawg House Ranch
Santa Fe, NM

Training Tips

Training Tips You Can Do Yourself


A horse without discipline is NOT a fun or safe person to be around.

Your job as a horse owner is to be responsible enough that you keep your Vet and Farrier from harm. If they get hurt it is all on you. Don't blame your horse for your lack of training!

Your horse will tell you everything you need to know. If they don't want you to...... that's what you work on.

Don't touch my ears! - Gently rub or hold their ear. When they pull away go with them. When they stop pulling away you can stop. Then, do it again on the other ear. When they stop, you stop. That is the reward you give them.

Don't pick up my feet! - Start at the hip or shoulder and run your hand down to their hoof and pick it up an inch or so. Put it back down before the horse can react. Next time pick it up a little further. If the does not react put it back down. If they try to pull away hang on until he stops jerking. Then put it down. If the horse is too strong for you to hang on, get soft lead line and wrap (not tie) it around the leg, Holding both end of the rope pick up the leg and hang on. When they stop pulling slowly set the foot down. If they jerk it just as you are setting it down immediately pick it up and hang on again. It doesn't take them too long to realize that this is a lot of work on their part.

Don't get on that side! - When you walk on the other side of your horse he turns so his preferred side is always facing you. Stand in front of him, use a wipe tip and rub him on his neck. Stop. Again rub him on the neck moving the wipe tip to his shoulder. Stop. Start rubbing his neck, shoulder, and back. Stop. As the wipe is rubbing his body, your body is slowing getting on his side. Stop. Keep doing this in steps until you can do this with your hand, a brush, etc. Make a point that everything you do should be on on this side over and over.

I am not going! - Don't pull on him! Change the direction of his head. Go the wrong direction, keep him moving and head the direction you were going originally.

Don't clip me! - Turn on the clippers, a few feet away from your horse, let the clippers run. Move the clippers around, the sound changes with movement. Do both sides. Move the clippers a little closer. Keep moving closer until you are rubbing the horse with the back of your hand while holding the clippers. Be sure to stop often as a reward. Start your clipping on a body part that shows the least reaction. (No face, ears, or feet to start with.)

I'm Scared! - Use the same technique as with the clippers.

When they say absolutely Not! You absolutely know what to work on. Break each task down into small little steps. Don't expect too much to soon. A little at a time does it. This Not a punishment. This is a communication to let them know what you want and to give the horse the tools to deal with any situation.


Ears Forward, alert, paying attention

One Ear turned to the side or back, paying attention to something.

Ears laid now half way, this is just a warning.

Ears laid back against the head. You are in trouble!!!!


Licking lips and chewing. The horse is truly thinking about what you are asking him to do.